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Journal Prompts

Why Journaling?

Journaling is a potent tool for emotional processing, self-reflection, progress tracking, and problem-solving. However, its true power lies in its ability to access our subconscious mind.

Here’s how it works,

Accessing the subconscious mind: Journal taps into our natural stream of consciousness, unveiling thoughts and feelings lurking beneath conscious awareness. This may reveal hidden insights, buried beliefs or fears.

Free Association: Writing without judgment or censorship may bring about free association, which is where one thought naturally leads to another. This process uncovers connections and associations that may remain hidden in day to day thoughts or conversations.

Spotting patterns and triggers: Reflecting on journal entries allows you to discern thought and behavior patterns. For individuals grappling with recurring mental health issues, this can help with pinpointing triggers and root causes. 

Accessing the subconscious mind through journaling helps complement working with a mental health practitioner, especially for long-standing mental health issues. 

More on why subconscious exploration is beneficial for mental health progress:

  • Root cause revelation: many mental health challenges have deep rooted causes. Exploring the subconscious unearths beliefs, memories, and emotions that may have eluded conscious awareness. These hidden elements can contribute to mental health issues. 

  • Addressing automatic responses: the subconscious controls many autonomic and habitual behaviors. BY accessing it, individuals can identify and transform automatic responses, such as fight-or-flight reactions. 

  • Enhancing self awareness: subconscious exploration nurtures self-awareness. Understanding hidden thoughts and emotions fosters true understanding of all parts of you. This awareness empowers you to consciously respond to situations in a way that aligns with your values and authentic self, rather than being solely driven by automatic or unconscious patterns.

  • Long-term transformation: Addressing the subconscious facilitates profound, lasting changes. Rather than merely managing symptoms in the moment, you embark on a journey of deep-seated transformation and personal growth.

Through subconscious work we embrace a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnected nature of thoughts, emotions, memories, and behaviors. This enables a comprehensive and integrated approach to healing. 

Example Prompt

  • What specific event or situation triggered you recently? What emotions did this situation bring up? Write about the trigger and your emotional response in detail.

  • Explore the physical sensations associated with the trigger. Where in your body do you feel that tension, discomfort, or other sensation when you’re triggered? Describe these sensations in detail. 

  • Are there any recurring patterns or themes present within this trigger? Is this trigger something I experience repeatedly? Could this trigger be related to a past experience that may have created the “root” of this trigger?

    I encourage you to explore these deep rooted triggers related to early memories or experiences in a one on one session with a mental health practitioner. 

For more journal prompts like this to take this work deeper, you can purchase here.

Types of Journal Work I Offer

Parts Work

Internal Family Systems (IFS) inspired journal prompts are designed to guide individuals on a transformative journey within themselves. Through introspection and self-discovery, these prompts help uncover and explore the various ‘Parts’ that make up one’s inner landscape. Participants are encouraged to connect with these Parts, gaining insight into their roles, emotions, and motivations. These prompts help dive into inner dynamics, encouraging reflection on how these Parts interact, cooperate, or navigate conflict.By diving into this inner world, these Internal Family System inspired journal prompts provide a framework for healing, self-compassion, and personal growth, fostering a deep connection with one’s authentic self and a greater sense of inner harmony.

Understanding My Nervous System

These prompts, dive into the story of our own nervous system. We touch on moments where your nervous system is activated, and seek to understand your own unique nervous system responses. These responses can reveal patterns and triggers, enabling us to understand our stress better and cultivate greater resilience. Additionally, in these prompts we explore the often-overlooked physical sensations that influence our inner world. We explore the interplay between feelings and sensations. In these prompts we foster a newfound sense of wisdom and self-compassion for our nervous system. 

Navigating A Trigger

Journal prompts for navigating triggers are a collection of guided questions and reflective exercises crafted to assist individuals in diving into their emotional responses and reactions when faced with triggering experiences. These prompts encourage a profound exploration of triggers’ origins, the associated emotions, and the underlying beliefs or patterns contributing to these reactions. By engaging with these prompts individuals can uncover past experiences, unmet needs, and unresolved emotions, shedding light on the subconscious layers of their triggers. Overall, these prompts serve as a therapeutic tool for self-discovery and emotional healing, providing a structured pathway to navigate and process triggers on a deep subconscious level. 

Deeper Alignment

These journal prompts will bring you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment inspired by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Dive deep into what you truly value, embrace acceptance of where you’re not embodying what you truly value, and commit to meaningful inspired action to align with these values. These prompts will help you gain the tools to step into your most authentic self, making your actions, choices and relationships in alignment with your highest timeline. 


Coming Soon This Winter

Soulful Symmetry:

Healing the triad of mind, body, and soul

Coming Soon This Winter

This is my signature course, designed to nurture your mental health at a mind, body, and soul level guiding you towards deep embodiment and alignment. It is a fusion of all of my most potent teachings. In this course, you’ll learn how to harness the power of the nervous system, addressing imbalances and getting practical tools to help you understand and heal your nervous system. Drawing upon somatic practices, you’ll learn how to navigate your triggers and expand your window of tolerance to show up in a more regulated way. After understanding the body, I’ll introduce you to a variety of therapeutic modalities that can help your mind heal. For example, you’ll learn how to integrate and befriend the various Parts of yourself. You’ll learn to step into deeper authenticity and congruence with your values. From this place of deeply aligned values, I'll invite you to take action and in turn, experience transformational leaps. Lastly, I'll invite you to awaken or reawaken your divine spiritual nature, connecting you to your soul’s deepest potential. This course seamlessly weaves ancient wisdom, with modern therapeutic approaches. You’ll get psychoeducation in various formats, journal prompts you can apply in real time, and meditations for deep subconscious work, and more. If this deep dive into holistic mental health is speaking to you, reach out for a consultation call.